My projects

A Journey to the Universe of Mathematics is an educational game for ages 6-9 available in languages greek and english.

It is one of my biggest projects yet in the Javascript world where i used many of my favorite technologies. Svelte for the logic, structure and reactivity of the game and Gsap for the animations. I also used CapacitorJS and published it as a mobile app in the android play store.

It was a very fun project and received with enthusiasm from kids and parents alike :)

Micro Weather is an app and website to show the weather for your favorite locations quickly and easily.

It is a cordova application with web and android as the target platforms.

The data are fetched from the openweathermap API. To build it I used my favorite javascript technology: Svelte

Easy BMI calculator is a responsive web app to quickly calculate your Body Mass Index.

I built it with Svelte to show how easy it is to make reactive apps. Change the sliders to enter your height and weight and everything is updated immediatly to reflect your BMI and the weight category. Give it a try and tell me what you think.