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Tips for working with private files in laravel

Let's start by saying this is not a full guide about working with files in laravel. It will not cover how to upload files for example or provide a full working example that you can test-drive yourself. But I will highlight some things I learned working with non-public files as my journey to learn laravel continues. Read more...

How to create a custom Policy and enforce it in a BREAD (Voyager)

Let's say we want to limit access to a BREAD based on who created it. More specifically users should be able to create new records but only edit/delete and browse their own. Admins should have full control to all the records regardless of who created it. Read more...

Change the height of the rich textbox (tinymce) in laravel voyager

Sometimes, things that seem pretty simple at first glance can be very hard to accomplish. That's what happened when i decided that i didn't like the rich textbox's height in laravel Voyager. It took up almost the whole screen. I had to change it, it should be pretty easy i thought... Read more...

Deploy a laravel 7 app to shared hosting

I know there are much better ways to deploy a laravel application. For example laravel forge and envoyer. But if you are like me, just trying things out, you may not want to invest to these paid alternatives with monthly subscriptions. This was something that bugged me for years. I hesitated to learn laravel because it seemed that it needed special and costly tools to work with it. I am glad i finally decided to give laravel a try though, it's awesome! The good news are that you can deploy a modern laravel 7 app to your shared hosting account using just FTP, it just requires some added effort on our part. Read more...